Sign Makers

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Sign makers are visual graphic designers that work on signs of different kinds. Signs can be made out of metal, neon lights, plastic, vinyl glass and electronic displays. A sign maker must have some design skills and a creatively inclined mindset to get unique signage for various purposes as the main idea is to get the attention of people. Signs are put up on buildings and on special installations around cities and these need to be strategically located and eye catching. This job calls for a lot of outdoor work as well with sign makers having to visit different sites and may require working at heights even. Basic skills to use the computer and specialized design softwares comes in very handy while on the job and most of the sign makers have some accreditation in virtual designing and graphic designing.

There are many individuals as well as companies that specialize in making signs of different kinds.  Signboards are also required to show directions, tourist attractions and traffic sigs and hence there is huge potential for such jobs from government agencies as well. Sign makers thus are always in demand and the trends keep changing with newer display mediums being added frequently.


Boards with reflectors along roads catch the attention of road travelers while any prime location in the business district is taken over by signage manufactures to advertise commercial brands of different kinds. Apart from regular signboards, sign makers also have a good scope in virtual sign designing. Their creative skills are sought after in website designing as banner ads are especially created to get the right publicity for a website.

A sign maker thus needs to have a creative mindset with innovative design ideas. He or she should be willing to experiment with designs, colors palettes and story ideas to design unique signs for clients. While some clients/businesses already have a trademark and just need signage for an already popular product, there are others who are looking at creating a brand. This is when sign makers need to spend time with their clients and conceptualize an idea and get it designed. Thanks to various softwares, sign makers can now days freely experiment with designs, have multiple presentations with clients and incorporate changes before actually manufacturing the signs. Two-dimensional or three-dimensional boards with LED display or conventional designs etc are some of the few option. With trends changing quickly, all that is required of a sign maker to stay successful in the business is to stay in touch with technological advancements and be willing to experiment.

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