Complete Guide for Web Directory Submission

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Web Directory Submission

One of the most popular SEO services you can sell to make money online is called “Web Directory Submission” Every website owner, after creating his website, he wants to submit it to Web directories. Although, most of them don’t have the time available or don’t know how to do so correctly. So, most of them hire a Freelancer to do this job. It’s a real easy and simple job that can be also a very profitable one for the Freelancer.

Web Directory Submission

Firstly, what is a Web Directory?

A web directory is a website where you can find listings of other websites categorized properly. You can simply visit the most popular web directory worldwide to see how it looks like. It’s called “Dmoz” You can visit it here: As you can see, there are various categories and in each of them, there are listings of websites that are related to each of these categories. Each listing includes the URL of the website, the title of the website, a small description and the keywords related to the website.

Why submit a website to web directories?

Every website owner needs backlinks for his website in order to show that his website is popular on the web. Having lots of links in web directories means that there are a lot of sites that point to this specific website that we want to search engine optimize. So all website owners want many successful directory submissions in order to have more backlinks.

Your Freelance work.

Your work here will be to submit the details of the website you are about to promote, to a list of web directories so as to create a listing for your client’s website.  It’s a simple task that you can do in little minutes of work if you know how to do it. You can do it using a good software or using a simple copy paste method that you can find in this guide “”

See also  Complete Guide for Press Release Submission

In the most popular Freelance websites like Odesk, Freelancer etc. these types of jobs are quite popular at various prices.  You can   use their search box and fill it with the phrases “web directory submissions” or “web directory listings” etc

List of top Web Directories, Page Rank, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5


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