You are Challenged to Find a Better Hosting

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Find a Better Hosting

Tech and Trends:- Yes, you heard it. You are challenged to find a Cheaper Hosting service with the same quality of service as Hostoople. With this post, I indent to introduce you to the best hosting service provider. I will let you guys know the variety of services this hosting company offers for its customers and also the reason I consider it the best service for online entrepreneurs.

I have been a blogger for almost five years now. Like other bloggers, I have my blogs on both blogger and WordPress. Although blogger offers me a free hosting, but it does not give me a lot of control over my blog, which forced me to shift my blogs from blogger to WordPress. But unlike blogger, WordPress does not offers free hosting service to its users. Now I was forced to buy a hosting service for my blogs. Let me tell you how I made this decision.

I went across the list of all the top hosting service providers, after finding the names of the top 5 service providers, I went back to Google and searched about the complaints that people had about their services. And let me tell you that I found a lot of complaints by bloggers like me on all these hosting services. Tired and frustrated, I took some rest and started the search again.

I asked some of the experience bloggers about my dilemma and they told me about this amazing hosting service called Hostoople.  Allow me to share with you all the information I was provided about it, so that even you can take advantage of this amazing service.

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Find a Better Hosting

An Introduction to Hostoople

Hostoople, a company founded by Nathan Oulman, may not be a multinational company offering hosting service to millions of user, but it is indeed unique and in ways better than its competition. It is a company managed by only a countable number of people, but if you experience the service offered by them, you might feel the effort they have put in. Hostoople has a personal connect with its users, which makes it different from the other hosting services out there. It also offer free domain transfer services, i.e. it does not charges you any extra money for every small thing it does for you. This might be one of the reasons its getting so popular among the blogger and the other online entrepreneurs out there.

Features of Hostoople Hosting Services

You might be wondering that Hostoople might be lacking in some features in comparison to other hosting services like Hostgator and Bluehost. But let me assure you that you are highly mistaken if you think so. This company provides its customers with a valuable web hosting experience at a cheap price. If you plan to start your online enterprise with a lesser risk, quality service and a low budget, then Hostoople is definitely the best option for you. Its shared hosting plans with price as low as 3.95$ a month.

Hosting services offered by Hostoople:-

  • Windows shared hosting.
  • VPS hosting.
  • Linux shared hosting.
  • Reseller hosting.

What is Reseller Hosting?

Let’s say you are having some clients who wants you to host their website. In this case, you can make a profit from this scenario and earn by providing them hosting services with our reseller hosting plan. You can create your personalized offer for your clients. Hostoople provides the best reseller hosting.

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List of Cool features of Hostoople:-

  • 99.9% website uptime guarantee
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Free and easy to use Web site builders
  • cPanel (Control Panel)
  • Free Setup and Transfer of hosting
  • 30 Day Money back Guarantee, so if you are in any way unsatisfied with Hostoople hosting get the entire money back.
  • Free Domain, Files, Database, Script Transfers
  • 100% Customer Satisfaction

Pricing and Support

The plans and pricing model of Hostoople is explained by the following picture:-

Hostoople pricing

Hostoople has a systematic approach to solving the problems faced by its user base. Any problem that you face, while using this hosting service, is solved with up most priority by its customer support system. Hostoople has a ticket based problem resolution system, which works on solving the customers issues in a time bound manner. You can visit the official website and enter the details of the problem you are facing. You will get a ticket id in return, which you can use to track your request.

Hostoople provide 24×7 customer support and also provides us with an online chat assistance for urgent resolution of small problems faced in our day to day working.


To conclude, I would like to mention that Hostoople provides good quality hosting service with 99.9% uptime guaranteed, 30 days money back guaranteed to assure you that you get quality services and easy to use website builder tools to get your online business started right away. The hosting company also provides you with website building solutions, all for open source development. The interface and cPanel are easy to use and match the features of the top hosting providers on the internet.

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Along with all these features, hostoople provides you with free setup and transfer of domain. Hostoople has made its name in the market with its reliable and cost effective service. So, in case you are not satisfied with your current hosting service provider, or you plan to start you online business empire, I would say Hostoople is the best service that you could get out there.

This article is written by Kunal Ganglani. He writes about the latest tech tips and tricks at KGTricks Tech Blog.

Article Categories:
Web hosting

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