Use Your Smartphone’s Battery Wisely

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Tech and Trends:- So you are a Smartphone user? Hope you like your phone. What did you just said? Battery problem? Owh…! Seems like you like playing games on your phone a lot, or maybe you keep on exploring internet every chance you get. Well then it is obviously gonna cause you some problem with battery. Since Smartphone (especially android) operating system is designed in such a way that it never hesitates to consume your battery. So if you want to backfire your battery in your android phone you have to your phone in a little different way. If you follow these instruction and I guarantee you that it is gonna make you happy with little or little more improvement in your battery’s life.

Smartphone Battery Power

Limit the brightness of your phone/ screen time out:

The main cause your battery drains so fast may be the high brightness in your phone, it is highly recommended that you keep the brightness of your phone as low as possible, I have personally realized that most of your Smartphone’s battery is consumed by your phone’s display, especially the phones with larger display drains your battery soon, So optimise the brightness to your need not too high, not too low

.Set your phone to normal screen time out mode. 30 sec should be much appropriate.

Remove unnecessary widgets/ applications and background processes:

Since android operating system is a heavy and normally needs many processes to be carried on to function properly, while processing many processes ultimately the battery is consumed, not all the processes can be terminated but you still can check and terminate the unnecessary processes running on your background, for this you may use a good task manager to see the list of processing being processed and also you can terminate it from the list.

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Also make sure all the widgets you use on your phone are necessary, because using of unnecessary widgets consumes your battery and can be the reason for the fast drain of your battery, so think about it.

Some of the applications like viber, whatsapp, facebook, wechat etc are always running its processes in the background and you don’t know it unless you check it, and mostly those process are necessary for those applications to run and function properly and can rarely be terminated, even if you terminate it gets auto started, so it’s wise to choose only those applications that you use more often, and those you don’t need you can simply kick off your list.

Choose suitable wallpaper/avoid live wallpaper:

I know most of you people love to keep the animated and colorful wallpaper in your phone. But choosing suitable wallpaper helps a lot to increase the duration of your battery backup. I personally have realized that Keeping black wallpaper consumes less than half of the battery that the colorful wallpaper consumes, and if you are using live wallpaper(very attractive to see) then it consumes hell lot of battery. So think of the wallpaper you have on your phone, come on just do it now.

Turn off Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/Gprs:

Most of us are careless while using Bluetooth but after reading this you should be careful in this matter. Turning the Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/Gprs on consumes your battery rapidly so it is wise enough to off the Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/Gprs while not in use.

Be careful while charging:

Yes you should be very careful while charging your phone, normally what we people do is we plug in the charger and we continue using the phone, and this is really going harm your phone’s battery. That can also harm your phones. Most of us also have realized that using the phone during charging makes you phone get heated up And that is good in no way.

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Once you plug in the charger you should let it get charged completely, plugging and unplugging of the charger continuously decreases the lifespan of your phone’s battery.

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