Tips on How to Keep Your Cloud Data Secure

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Cloud Data Secure

While there are plenty of safeguards put in place by cloud providers, as well as additional services like those offered by Dell, there are still those who have some reservations about storing their data online.

It’s completely understandable, you only have to look at the news to see how many attacks are launched at various websites and platforms. And while this can be easily safeguarded, some of us just want to ensure that our information is truly secure. In this regard, there are some tips you can follow to ensure that your information is kept as secure as possible.

Avoid Storing Sensitive Information Online

Employing a cloud service can do wonders for productivity, but it should only hold documents that aren’t deemed as detrimental if they’re leaked. That’s not to say there isn’t a solution in place to deal with such data, but alternative methods are best sought in the first instance.

Ensure You Understand How Your Provider Will Keep Your Data Safe

While it’s always advisable to have your own safeguards in place, there’s certainly no harm in ascertaining what contingency plan is in place should the worst case scenario arise. Understanding the terms and conditions of your agreement puts you in a better position when it comes to managing your data, as you will know what is expected from you and what is expected from your provider.

Ensure Passwords Are Robust

We’ve all become frustrated with forgetting complex passwords, but they remain popular for a reason. They’re not so easy to guess. Evidently, you don’t want to create a password you’re likely to forget in the next day or two, but remember it can still be relevant to you without it being obvious to everyone else.

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Mixing numbers with symbols and capital letters is a popular choice, but those setting up a password should try to mix it up as much as possible. It can also be an idea to update passwords at regular intervals.

Consider Encryption

Many cloud providers will allow different levels of access to different users. But if such a plan isn’t viable for your requirements, why not consider encrypting your data. Encrypting a file within the cloud means that only those with the password can gain entry to the data. So even if someone can see the file, they won’t be able to open it without the correct password.

There are certain cloud services that include encryption as part of their service. In order to get the best platform for your data, you first need to decide what you expect from a cloud service provider. For example, are you looking for a large amount of storage? Or will you simply be using the platform to speak with other colleagues?

Ensuring what features you require in the first instance means that you not only get a cloud service that fits in with your business, but you could also save money by not paying for features that your business never needed in the first place.

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