Search Results for: k contest'

Some of the best games in the world have been developed by small independent teams. Forget GTA, Halo and Call of Duty. Each of those games were made by a team of thousands. They were funded by multi-million ..

10 years ago
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Tech and Trends:- Dragos Ruiu is a reputable security researcher. He’s the organizer of Pac Sec, a security conference held in Tokyo, and CanSecWest, a security conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. ..

10 years ago
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Cybersecurity Field

According to some experts one of the single greatest threats facing many parts of the world is a breach of cybersecurity. As more and more of our lives and our personal and professional business is carried ..

11 years ago
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Tech and Trends:- Any time you can find a video that demonstrates how to do what’s being described in a post title idea, use the video to help you write the post. Do not write down verbatim what is said ..

11 years ago
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