Microsoft Announces New Changes to the XBOX One

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The only choices for video gamer for a number of years was the Nintendo Wii, XBOX 360 from Microsoft or the Sony PS3. When Nintendo released its Wii U on the market, Sony and Microsoft followed with plans for new consoles. Reviews for the new XBOX One were mixed from the very beginning, with players complaining about the need for a constant Internet connection and the lack of new GAMES. Microsoft responded with an announcement that it would remove the need for a constant connection. The company also announced that it would make some new changes to appeal to fans.

Lower Prices

When the XBOX One landed in stores, it featured a high price tag of $499 plus tax. Even before its debut, Sony brought down the price of its PS4 to $399. Those looking to save money often opted for the PS4 as opposed to the XBOX One. Microsoft announced that it would bring down the price of all consoles by at least $50 off the current retail price prior to the start of the holiday shopping season. The technology and video GAME giant hopes that this will result in higher sales than Sony reports during the holiday season.

New Consoles and Systems

Though shoppers can get an XBOX One for less than $400, they’ll still need to pay more for one of the larger and more extensive limited edition consoles. Many fans look forward to the release of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and can’t wait to get their hands on the GAME. A new XBOX One limited edition Call of Duty console will arrive in stores on the same day that the game drops. The console comes with the game, a Call of Duty themed skin on the console and one TB of storage space. Microsoft will also drop a Sunset Overdrive limited edition console. The game, which asks players to fight a future war against monsters created from a tainted energy drink, is one of the most anticipated of the year. Fans can purchase a console with a limited edition skin on the front and a copy of the game.

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Monthly Updates

Microsoft released its first big update for the XBOX One in October of 2014. Console owners could not access the network used by the XBOX or play games until downloading this update. Microsoft recently announced that it would issue new updates in both November and December to prepare players for the monthly updates that will follow in 2015. Technology guru Bobby Kotick believes that the updates will only strengthen the XBOX network and provide players with new features in the future.

New Games

Video game consoles only succeed based on the strength of the games available. Many experts blame the lack of consistent sales on the lack of games available for the XBOX One. Microsoft will change that in 2015 when it releases a slew of new games. One of the most anticipated of those games is Rise of the Tomb Raider, which serves to tell the origin story of iconic character Lara Croft. Players will also see the release of a new game in the Halo franchise. Those new games, the new system updates and lower prices on all consoles will likely cause an increase in sales of the XBOX One.

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