Leveraging the Power of SMS in Customer Communications

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Tech and Trends:- Text messaging today is the preferred method of conversation with most people, an easy to use service that’s become the norm for smartphone users. Thanks to its effortless, user friendliness, along with its instant reception; text messaging is one of the most convenient communications methods available. And why not? Consider this scenario; have you ever had to call a company to report a problem or ask a question and ended up in some long, annoying telephone tree – hit 1 for tech support, 2 for sales, 3 for . . . . you get what I’m saying. Is there anything more frustrating? When you finally get through you’re usually put on hold and worst case, get hung up on. If you’ve been there, done that like most people, why would you put your clients through the same thing? If you do, you can look forward to negative feedback and thanks to social media, your poor reviews will get a lot of unwanted attention. Instead, present yourself as a tech/digital savvy professional and make communicating with you convenient for your clients by using SMS text messaging.

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Most businesses today are adding text messaging to their communications mix, finding that it’s a highly effective way to address customer service issues quickly and efficiently, or to send out bulk SMS marketing campaigns. A recent study carried out by OneReach, a business communications company, revealed that approximately two out of three consumers that utilize text messaging would prefer to create initial contact with customer service via texting instead of by phone or email.

Incorporating SMS text messaging into your communication mix will give your business a competitive advantage. Immediate, direct response communication between your business and the smartphone of your customers or employees, wherever they may be, means you’ll be able to deliver critical marketing or customer service related information in an instant.

Following are just a few of the top benefits of SMS text messaging for businesses.

1. Wherever your customer may be in the world, they’ll instantly receive your message, making it possible to reach them immediately and to be within reach at all times. They won’t be even charged for receiving a text message when they are abroad to know for example that their parcel was delivered to their neighbour while they were absent.

2. When you have important news to announce, you can send it via text message and even schedule it to go out at a set time. Best of all, transmitting and distribution of your text messages is instantaneous.

3. An exceptional read rate, which is a huge benefit for any business. Studies have shown that there’s a 90% read rate for text messages, making it a highly effective communications tool.

4. Texting is a huge time saver; with just a single tap you can send off your information to thousands of your clients and potential clients at a very competitive rate.

5. You can customize your messages and/or make them interactive, making it easy for your recipients to reply to them. Your SMS based communication campaigns will also significantly reduce both time and money when compared to more conventional methods.

6. The return rate from a bulk SMS marketing campaign has been determined to be between 6 and 16% higher, an impressive figure in comparison to conventional communication methods. Even more important to consider is that in many cases, Email campaigns are blocked by anti-spam systems, something that doesn’t happen with SMS campaigns.

7. Last but certainly not least, any company that uses this innovative form of communication will be ahead of the game when it comes to looking like a modern, digital savvy business.

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