Keyword Research Process

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This is probably the most confusing piece of the equation. Lots of folks get stuck on finding just the “right” keyword, afraid that the choice they make now will somehow limit them in the future.

That’s not true – eventually, your content will determine which keywords you rank for and your content in total will shape a set of strong keywords that best describe your content for Google to use when determining rankings.

However, in setting up your site, you’ll need an initial, starting keyword to get you going.

Think of this step like a research paper. You’re going to choose a thesis statement (your starting keyword), then find related keywords that will make for great categories (or subtopics) and then you’ll be able to complete the on-page SEO for your site during the WordPress set up.


Starting Keyword

Your starting keyword should meet the following criteria:

1. Minimum global monthly search volume equal to or greater than 1000

2. Include a word that, if used in a search, implies someone is looking for how-to information, tips, ideas, plans, suggestions, recommendations, do it yourself guides, or patterns (or similar)

3. Have at least 3 pages on the first page of Google with a PR1 or less

4. Have at least 3 pages on the first page of Google with <10 backlinks

5. Have an Approximate Cost Per Click in Google Adwords equal or greater than $.30.

These requirements help you narrow in on low competition keywords with good search volume and acceptable income potential from Adsense.

To find possible starting keywords:

1. Log in to the Google Keyword Tool

2. Select Match Type: EXACT

3. Enter your hobby idea into the Word or Phrase Box and click the Search button

4. Scan the list for keywords that meet the criteria

5. Copy any that meet the criteria into the Starting Keyword Ideas tab of the spreadsheet that came with this book

6. Bring up

7. Enter your hobby niche idea

8. Enter the required captcha (the word image you have to type into the box in order to continue)

9. Click the Suggest button

10. Scroll through the list looking for the kinds of keywords that meet the phrase requirements noted above (where the phrase implies someone looking for information, supplies, guides, how-to, tips, etc)

11. Clicking on a phrase will unfold additional related phrases

12. Click the + next to any phrase that looks like it fits that requirement

13. Once you’ve been through the whole list, scroll to the top and click the Get button to see your list of selected ideas in text form

14. Copy the list and the phrases into the Starting Keyword Ideas tab of the spreadsheet that came with this book

15. Return to Ubersuggest and type in a “how to” version of your hobby niche idea. For example, if your niche is “beekeeping” you could type in “how to get started beekeeping” or “how to bee keep” or “how to keep bees”. If your niche is “ice carving” you could type in “how to carve ice”. Click the + button next to any new phrases you want to paste into your list.

16. Scroll to the top and click on the Get button to see your new keywords

17. Copy the keywords and paste them into the Starting Keywords Idea tab of the spreadsheet

18. Bring up the Google Keyword Tool

19. Copy all of the keywords from your text file or spreadsheet and paste them into the search box

20. Select the Match Type: EXACT

21. Click the Search button

22. Click on the header for the Global searches column to sort the results from high to low Global monthly search volume

23. Click the little box to the left of any keyword that has more than 1000 searches a month

24. Click the Download button in the navigation menu

25. Click My Keyword Ideas

26. Click the Download button

27. Open the file with Excel if you have that option or Save the file and open it from your folders

28. Replace your list of Starting Keyword Ideas with the list from the Google Keyword Tool as these are the ones that had more than 1000 exact Global monthly searches

29. Look for the column in the spreadsheet marked Approximate CPC (Search) and copy that information into the Starting Keyword Ideas tab of the spreadsheet

30. Delete any starting keyword ideas that have a CPC less than $.30

This gives you a list of possible starter keywords that meet the search volume, phrasing, and CPC requirements.

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