How to Choose a Digital Radio

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The concept of digital or DAB radio is similar to digital television. Instead of analog signals, these new radio units depend on digital signal. It is not merely an option because in the future, all analog signals will eventually be replaced by digital as mandated by law. There are several benefits to this including: better audio quality, less interference, larger station options, flexible tuning functions, and of course better listening experience. You might already be excited to have your own digital radio at home or at work. But how do you buy a good one? Here’s how:

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Choose a radio with the best sound or speaker output:

Audio reception and output is definitely better in digital than analog but quality will always be dependent on the actual speakers used in the DAB radio. If you are keen enough on the quality of sounds, there should be no problem distinguishing and identifying a good from the bad speakers.

Choose a radio fit for your purpose:

Digital technology made it possible to produce several styles and designs of the DAB radio. There are models that look like old-fashioned radio tuners and there are also futuristic-looking ones equipped with a full touch-screen display. When choosing, consider its function. For example; if you are going to use the radio in the kitchen, knobs are essential instead of a touch-screen setting because your hands will certainly be dirty or wet most of the time.

A larger storage capacity is recommended:

Another benefit of digital radio is the ability to record the streaming music or audio. If you don’t want to miss recording a music or part of a radio program, then you need a radio with larger storage capacity – check our Grace Digital for details.

A digital radio with AM/FM tuner is best:

Digital radio is still a relatively recent concept and it will still take years or decades for the AM and FM band to be totally replaced. Thus, it is still practical to choose a DAB radio equipped with an AM and FM tuner.

Choose a user-friendly setup or interface:

If the radio is to be used and shared at home, you might also want to choose a unit that is user-friendly especially for grandma and grandpa.

Take note of the radio’s connectivity options:

Wired and wireless connections extend the capability of the digital radio. When it comes to connectivity options, it’s better to have more. Examples include Wi-Fi connectivity, USB ports, micro USB or iPhone connections, external audio output, etc.

Check the extra features:

Aside from the basics, you might also consider the availability of extra features or functionalities like the provision for an iPod dock, touch-screen LED display, alarm and timer, remote function, etc.

Consider power options and portability:

Battery-powered digital radios are portable enough to be carried anywhere you want to. But when it comes to long-term usefulness and reliability, nothing beats AC as of the moment. You might also want to consider portability not only for travelling but for easier storage and lesser space consumption as well.

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