FBI Virus is an Online Scam: Agencies

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FBI Virus is a ransomware that can take over your entire login session, leaving the PC unusable. As soon as it takes the command of your system, it does not allow you to perform any action or access any file/application. Like other viruses belonging to the ransomware family, this virus also demands for an amount to be paid in order to release its control back to you.

FBI Virus can be disguised under several other names

As stated above, this virus is a sham that appears to have originated from authoritative law enforcement agencies. In the US, it uses the name, pictures and logos of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Other variants of this virus could appear as the Interpol Virus, Mandiant Virus or Cyber Security Virus. The authorities have notified users to be cautious of this virus package as the FBI denies any association.

The virus is also called the FBI MoneyPak Virus, as the notification also displays the MoneyPak logo in the backdrop. MoneyPak is a valid electronic money transfer system, exploited to collect the ransom amount from its victims. Be mindful, you can remove this threat by using the appropriate tools.fbi-scam-virus

Once affected, you’ll see a notification claiming you’ve violated cyber laws by accessing or possessing prohibited content or software. The warning message asks for a fine worth $300. This message controls your desktop and is unavoidable until you get rid of the virus.

Save yourself from the FBI Virus

Like other infectors, even the FBI Virus is uninvited and does not notify you before it enters. However, you must be cautious to prevent your system from such threats. The primary path used by ransomware viruses is phishing emails. Do not trust the content of any email until you’re absolutely sure about its integrity. With that said, always keep your security settings high; especially when browsing the internet, so that the virus can’t find a loophole and gain access to the protected environment.

Statistics say, about 8 million households have had the spyware in the past 6 months. Many of these users reported that the FBI virus appeared after they downloaded some software from a third-party site.  Hence, never use an unauthorized website for downloading. To diagnose your computer and see if you’re infected with the FBI virus, download free scan.

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