Be A Trendsetter With An Exclusive Smartphone Skin

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It’s only been a few years, but it’s impossible to think of modern existence without a smartphone. Our reliance on mobile phones wakes us up in the morning, plans our day and gives us a soundtrack to listen to. A million and one apps have carved outour identities and cater to our interests – whether it’s planning what you will have for dinner, tracking your exercise regime or advising you on what books and podcasts to listen to this week.


If your smartphone is your world and your lifeline to your friends and family, it makes sense to protect what is closest to you. Having a trendy and colourful case can look great for those mirror selfies on Instagram, but won’t protect your baby when it slips out of your hand and onto the hard, frozen ground. Smartphones may be intuitively and brilliantly designed, but are as fragile as baby birds. If you want to protect your data and the memories stored on your phone, you need a strong case that can stand up to almost anything.

Industrial-strength smartphone cases are out there, but come in awful designs. If you’re looking for a smartphone skin that’s tough enough to endure a hard fall against the pavement but also looks stellar in a selfie, it’s time to go online where newer retailers offer more variety. Look for companies that sell customized cases made with authentic 3M vinyl, which is durable and protective against the elements. While the material should be thick enough to protect your phone against this season’s winter storms and frost (you don’t want your phone to freeze during a pivotal moment! ( ), it shouldn’t turn your phone into heavy ice block in your hand. The best-designed smartphone cases are strong and durable, while still keeping your device lightweight in your pocket. They should offer full coverage options and protect the most vulnerable parts of your device, including the camera.

So you have a new iPhone that’s burning a hole in your pocket and need to keep it safe. Where should you shop? An online retailer like dbrandoffers the latest smartphone skin technology and keeps up to date with new models, designs and fashions. (Check out their options at, and see which styles are your favourites.) Carbon fiber smartphone skins are a flashy way to say that you take technology seriously. This tech geek style reflects light and can be textured to represent real life materials like leather and titanium, all coloured by a unique pigmentation process. They look super sleek and stylish and can be the ultimate accessory in a business meeting orcoffee date. And unlike those flimsy novelty cases shaped like burgers, they say, “I am a grownup and know how to protect my investment.”

Let’s face it – our addiction to smartphones isn’t going away. We play games on them during our daily morning commute, conduct meaningful conversations after work and sleep beside them at night. While a movie like Spike Jonze’sHer personalized our relationship with our phones as a romantic one (to the film’s credit, it was set in the future!), we do rely on smartphone technology to carry out our daily lives. Protect your day planner, music playlist, source of news and lifeline to your loved ones with a customized protective case. Treat your investment with care and it can last for many years. That is, until Apple decides to come out with another model.

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